Sign Signature Rule
Generate Signature: Put API Key+API Secret + Timestamp(second) into string with 32 bit MD5 format.(Case Insensitive)For Example:
Put API Key:bDqJFiq9API Secret:7bz1lzh9 Timestamp(second):1630468800 -
Request Header Parameters:
Header Parameter | Description | Type |
Content-Type | application/json;charset=UTF-8 | String |
Sign | Signature with encryption | String |
Timestamp | Current system time stamp (second), it should be within half an hour of the system time | String |
Api-Key | Setting -Account -API Management- API KEY | String |
Response status code description:
status | reason |
0 | success |
-1 | authentication error |
-2 | IP access limited |
-3 | SMS contents with sensitive characters |
-4 | SMS content is empty |
-5 | SMS content is over the length |
-6 | SMS contents are out of template |
-7 | numbers are over the limitation |
-8 | number is empty |
-9 | numbers are abnormal |
-10 | insufficient balance which unable to support the task |
-11 | incorrect timing format |
-12 | due to platform issue, bulk submission has been failed, please contact Admin |
-13 | users has been locked |
-14 | field is empty or inquiry id is abnormal |
-15 | query too frequently |
-16 | timestamp expires |
-17 | SMS template can not be empty |
-18 | port program unusual |
-19 | please contact our account manager for your SMS journey after the authentication |
Sending Messages
interface name
The protocol is used to send SMS, supporting single number or multiple numbers
Request Method
Support GET or POST, GET can support 100 numbers once, POST can support 1000 numbers once
request URL:
Request Parameters Description:
Parameters | Description | Required | type |
appId | App ID (Account Management – App Management -appId properties) | Yes | String |
numbers | receiving number, multiple numbers should be separated with comma GET can support 100 numbers once, POST can support 1000 numbers once) | Yes | String |
content | SMS content,length should not be over the 1024 characters.(GET should use urlEncode) | Yes | String |
senderId | sender number(name) | No | String |
Sample:use GET request to send content “hello world”:
Request URL:https://api.onbuka.com/v3/sendSms?appId=4luaKsL2&numbers=91856321412,91856321413&content=hello%20word&senderId=123
Request Method: GET
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
Timestamp: 1630468800
Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Sample:use POST request to send content “hello world”:
Request URL: https://api.onbuka.com/v3/sendSms
Request Method:POST
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
Timestamp: 1630468800
Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Request Body:
"appId": "4luaKsL2",
"numbers": "91856321412,91856321413",
"content": "hello world",
"senderId": "123"
Response Parameters Description:
Parameters | Description | type |
status | ”0”means successful,others than 0 means failure ,seeing Status code description. | String |
reason | failure reason description | String |
success | number of successful submitted numbers | String |
fail | number of failure submitted numbers | String |
array | the number of Successful Submitted Array. | JSONArray |
msgId | submitted numbers id corresponding to platform | String |
number | submitted numbers | String |
Note:After submitting messages successfully,system will generate one msgld correspond with each successful submission numbers.
Clients can use the msgld to check the number submission result.
Response Sample:
"status": "0",
"reason": "success",
"success": "2",
"fail": "0",
"msgId": "2108021054011000095",
"number": "91856321412"
"msgId": "2108021059531000096",
"number": "91856321413"
Balance Query
interface name
The protocol is used to get account balance
Request Method
Request URL:
Request Sample:
Request URL: https://api.onbuka.com/v3/getBalance
Request Method: GET
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
Timestamp: 1630468800
Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Response Parameters Description:
Parameters | Parameters | type |
status | ”0”means successful,others than 0 means failure ,seeing Status code description. | String |
reason | failure reason description | String |
balance | actual account balance | String |
gift | gifted account balance | String |
Response Sample:
"status": "0",
"reason": "success",
"balance": "99.990000",
"gift": "50.00000"
Get Report
interface name
The protocol is used to query the submission result of specific msgId array
Request Method
Request URL:
Request Parameters Description:
Parameters | Description | Required | type |
appId | App ID (Account Management – App Management -appId properties) | Yes | String |
msgIds | platform id returned by sendsms protocol response.multiple id should be separated with comma.200 msgId query can be supported once. | Yes | String |
Request Sample:
Request URL:https://api.onbuka.com/v3/getReport?appId=4luaKsL2&msgIds=2108021054011000095,2108021059531000096
Request Method: GET
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
Timestamp: 1630468800
Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Response Parameters Description:
Response Parameters Description: | Description | type |
status | ”0”means successful,others than 0 means failure ,seeing Status code description. | String |
reason | failure reason description | String |
success | number of successful submitted messages | String |
fail | number of failure submitted messages | String |
sending | number of sending messages | String |
nofound | The number of nofound messages by ID | String |
array | json array with submission results | JSONArray |
msgId | submitted numbers id corresponding to platform | String |
number | submitted nunbers | String |
receiveTime | receive time ISO8601 standard tine format (2021-02-12T09:30:03+08:00) | String |
status | messages status:0 sent successfully,2:sent failed | String |
Response Sample:
"status": "0",
"reason": "success",
"success": "2",
"fail": "0",
"sending": "0",
"nofound": "0",
Get SMS Report by Time Slot
interface name
interface name
The protocol is used to get SMS report by time slot(from beginning time to ending time)
Request Method
Request URL:
Request Parameters Description:
Parameters | Description | Required | type |
appId | App ID (Account Management – App Management -appId properties) | Yes | String |
startTime | beginning time of query,ISO8601 standard time format UrlEncode(2021-02-12T00:00:00+08:00) | Yes | String |
endTime | ending time of query,ISO8601 standard time format UrlEncode(2021-02-12T23:59:59+08:00) | Yes | String |
startIndex | The starting subscript of the query ( Max 50,000 results can be returned by one query as default.This function and be used for multiple queries when results over 50,000) | No(Default 0) | Int |
Request Sample:
Request Method: GET
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
Timestamp: 1630468800
Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Response parameters description:
parameters | description | 类型 |
status | ”0”means successful,others than 0 means failure ,seeing Status code description. | String |
reason | failure reason description | String |
success | number of successful submitted messages | String |
fail | number of failure submitted messages | String |
array | json array with submission results | JSONArray |
msgId | submitted numbers id corresponding to platform | String |
number | submitted nunbers | String |
receiveTime | receive time ISO8601 standard tine format (2021-02-12T09:30:03+08:00) | String |
status | messages status:0 sent successfully,2:sent failed | String |
Response parameters description:
Get SMS Report Pushed by Skline Platform
user has set http address in the“account-app management” to receive the report, messages status reports will be pushed to user by SKYLINE platform.
Push Method
Push URL
address set by users
Push Parameters Description:
Request URL:Http address set by users
Request Method: POST
Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Request Body:
Push Parameters Description:
Parameters | Description | Required | type |
appId | App ID (Account Management – App Management -appId properties) | Yes | String |
msgId | submitted numbers id corresponding to platform | Yes | Long |
mobile | submitted nunbers | Yes | String |
status | messages status:0 sent successfully,2:sent failed | Yes | Int |
timestamp | sent timestamp(millisecond) | Yes | Long |
Push Sample:
Sign Signature Rule
Generate Signature: Put API Key+API Secret + Timestamp(second) into string with 32 bit MD5 format.(Case Insensitive)For Example:
Put API Key:bDqJFiq9API Secret:7bz1lzh9 Timestamp(second):1630468800 -
Request Header Parameters:
Header Parameter | Description | Type |
Content-Type | application/json;charset=UTF-8 | String |
Sign | Signature with encryption | String |
Timestamp | Current system time stamp (second), it should be within half an hour of the system time | String |
Api-Key | Setting -Account -API Management- API KEY | String |
Response status code description:
status | reason |
0 | success |
-1 | authentication error |
-2 | IP access limited |
-3 | SMS contents with sensitive characters |
-4 | SMS content is empty |
-5 | SMS content is over the length |
-6 | SMS contents are out of template |
-7 | numbers are over the limitation |
-8 | number is empty |
-9 | numbers are abnormal |
-10 | insufficient balance which unable to support the task |
-11 | incorrect timing format |
-12 | due to platform issue,bulk submission has been failed,please contact Admin |
-13 | users has been locked |
-14 | Field is empty or inquiry id is abnormal |
-15 | query too frequently |
-16 | timestamp expires |
-17 | SMS template can not be empty |
-18 | port program unusual |
-19 | Please contact our Account Manager for your SMS Journey after the authentication |
Sending Messages
interface name
The protocol is used to send SMS, supporting single number or multiple numbers
Request Method
Support GET or POST,GET can support 100 numbers once ,POST can support 1000 numbers once
request URL:
Request Parameters Description:
Parameters | Description | Required or not | type |
appId | App ID (Account Management - App Management -appId properties) | Yes | String |
numbers | receiving number,multiple numbers should be separated with comma GET can support 100 numbers once ,POST can support 1000 numbers once) | Yes | String |
content | SMS content,length should not be over the 1024 characters.(GET should use urlEncode) | Yes | String |
senderId | sender number(name) | No | String |
Sample:use GET request to send content “hellow word”:
Sample:use POST request to send content “hellow word”:
Response Parameters Description:
Parameters | Description | type |
status | ”0”means successful,others than 0 means failure ,seeing Status code description. | String |
reason | failure reason description | String |
success | number of successful submitted numbers | String |
fail | number of failure submitted numbers | String |
array | the number of Successful Submitted Array. | JSONArray |
msgId | submitted numbers id corresponding to platform | String |
number | submitted numbers | String |
Note:After submitting messages successfully,system will generate one msgld correspond with each successful submission numbers.
Clients can use the msgld to check the number submission result.
Response Sample:
Balance Query
interface name
The protocol is used to get account balance
Request Method
Request URL:
Request Sample:
Response Parameters Description:
Parameters | Parameters | type |
status | ”0”means successful,others than 0 means failure ,seeing Status code description. | String |
reason | failure reason description | String |
balance | failure reason description | String |
gift | gifted account balance | String |
Response Sample:
Get Report
interface name
The protocol is used to query the submission result of specific msgId array
Request Method
Request URL:
Request Parameters Description:
Parameters | Description | Required or not | type |
appId | App ID (Account Management - App Management -appId properties) | Yes | String |
msgIds | platform id returned by sendsms protocol response.multiple id should be separated with comma.200 msgId query can be supported once. | Yes | String |
Request Sample:
Response Parameters Description:
Response Parameters Description: | Description | type |
status | ”0”means successful,others than 0 means failure ,seeing Status code description. | String |
reason | failure reason description | String |
success | number of successful submitted messages | String |
fail | number of failure submitted messages | String |
sending | number of sending messages | String |
nofound | The number of nofound messages by ID | String |
array | json array with submission results | JSONArray |
msgId | submitted numbers id corresponding to platform | String |
number | submitted nunbers | String |
receiveTime | receive time ISO8601 standard tine format (2021-02-12T09:30:03+08:00) | String |
status | messages status:0 sent successfully,-1:sending,1:sent failed | String |
Response Sample:
Get SMS Report by Time Slot
interface name
interface name
The protocol is used to get SMS report by time slot(from beginning time to ending time)
Request Method
Request URL:
Request Parameters Description:
Parameters | Description | Required or not | type |
appId | App ID (Account Management - App Management -appId properties) | Yes | String |
startTime | beginning time of query,ISO8601 standard time format UrlEncode(2021-02-12T00:00:00+08:00) | Yes | String |
endTime | ending time of query,ISO8601 standard time format UrlEncode(2021-02-12T23:59:59+08:00) | Yes | String |
startIndex | The starting subscript of the query ( Max 50,000 results can be returned by one query as default.This function and be used for multiple queries when results over 50,000) | NO(Default 0) | Int |
Request Sample:
Response parameters description:
parameters | description | 类型 |
status | ”0”means successful,others than 0 means failure ,seeing Status code description. | String |
reason | failure reason description | String |
success | number of successful submitted messages | String |
fail | number of failure submitted messages | String |
array | json array with submission results | JSONArray |
msgId | submitted numbers id corresponding to platform | String |
number | submitted nunbers | String |
receiveTime | receive time ISO8601 standard tine format (2021-02-12T09:30:03+08:00) | String |
status | messages status:0 sent successfully,-1:sending,1:sent failed | String |
Response parameters description:
Get SMS Report Pushed by Skline Platform
user has set http address in the“account-app management” to receive the report, messages status reports will be pushed to user by SKYLINE platform.
Push Method
Push URL
address set by users
Push Parameters Description:
Push Parameters Description:
Parameters | Description | Required or not | type |
appId | App ID (Account Management - App Management -appId properties) | Yes | String |
msgId | submitted numbers id corresponding to platform | Yes | Long |
mobile | submitted nunbers | Yes | String |
status | messages status:0 sent successfully,-1:sending,1:sent failed | Yes | Int |
timestamp | sent timestamp(millisecond) | Yes | Long |