Flash Calling, also know as flash call verification, offers a cost-effective way to authenticate mobile numbers. Here we will discuss how it works and share future market forecasts for flash calling.
What is Flash Calling?
Flash Calling can verify users via a phone call, but is a near-instant dropped call (a missed phone call) that happens automatically. It is a new and emerging form of user authentication,such as OTPs. Enterprises or brands can leverage the phone number itself to complete the whole an authentication process in the background of the high mobile penetration worldwide.
With the development of telecommunication and mobile devices, the fixed-line phone already gave the stage to mobile phone. A mobile number corresponds to a person now. So it’s possible to verify users or customers just with a phone call which don’t need to answer. The mobile user didn’t have yo take any action to finish the authentication, where users register for services, install applications or do anything that requires them to provide a valid mobile phone number to complete the process.
Traditional 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) solution requires the users to manually enter a code that is sent to them via SMS. But unlike 2FA, the Flash calling authentication process uses some of the digits in the caller's number as a code. This is all done programmatically via the API so the customer does not need to do anything and is notified almost immediately that the verification process has been successful.
What’s the Future of Flash Calling?
There have two benefits of flash calling: convenience with low cost.
It doesn’t require any action of users’ part. So users get a free, silent and quick authentication process. And the enterprises can save money at the authentication stage. In countries where SMS and mobile phones calls are comparatively expensive, flash calling is very competitive.
According to the flash calling report of Juniper Research (The whitepaper can be downloaded freely at: https://www.voxcarrier.com/white-paper-2/ ), flash calling are forecast to grow from 60 million in 2021 to 130 billion by 2026. Much of this traffic will be shifted from existing SMS authentication, which is a significant revenue generator for MNOs.
It seems like flash calling is beneficial for every party, but this may not be the case for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). MNOs cannot identify the flash calling and other normal calls, but the flash callings still rely on their infrastructure. How could they monetize this traffic? Firstly they need to identify the flash calling between other calls and also need to make a voice firewalls to protect from the frauds.
The future of Flash calling is very promising due to the simplicity of the user authentication journey and the lower costs for enterprises. With the operator side focusing on flash calling, perhaps there will be a new twist in this area afterwards.